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Thursday, July 06, 2006

NW Enquirer letter

Published in the NW Enquirer 6th July in response to the publication of the NW rich list in the 29th June issue:

I imagine it was quite a coup to publish the first rich list for the North West.

But what does it achieve? What do we learn?

We all know that the region has a more than ample share of the country's business talent. We also know we have some of the most affluent areas in the whole country. And you wouldn't need to be a keen business observer to guess the identities of the considerably richer than yow people. (My apologies to those who though they had forgotten Harry Enfield).

What we learn is that we have and probably always had (despite some sentimental protestations) a society that values materialistic show and skin deep substance highly.

Did we really need to be taught that lesson again?

Does anyone else have this opinion? Is it just another symptom of a celebrity/ money obsessed society or is there a need for a rich list?


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