John Leech MP is alright

John Leech is the MP for Manchester Withington.
He was elected in controversial circumstances: the save the Christies Hospital he championed during the election was criticised as being scare mongering; the hospital being in no danger of moving services according to some sources.
Keith Bradley, the incumbent MP, who suffered the spectacular defeat to John (17% swing to Liberal Democrat) because of the anti-war backlash although he opposed the war; the decision to send his son to fee paying Manchester Grammar did not endear him to Labour supporters although ironically John is an ex-pupil.
Since John became an MP he has made a lot of PR gaffes: accepting tickets to the world cup that he had to return and the football match with journalists where he got hacked by the gleeful hacks also showed him in a less than positive light.
John gives the impression of being a hard working and conscientious MP.
John sat next to me in history A level. He struck me as having a sense of humour, decency and being intelligent. He won a place to Brunel to study law although he switched to politics and history.
When I told a journalist that he is a decent person he was surprised.
I think part of the backlash is the Withington electorate wanted to warn the Labour party of their frustration. They did not want to vote out Bradley. When it happened there was surprise and it was easy to say John tricked them into voting for him. Just my theory.
But he never seems to come across well. He will lose the next election if he does not address his image.
John please give me a call.
By the way my ex-cricket captain is Ivan Lewis MP, he is a junior minsiter so I do not expect he needs my help - I am well connected though.
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