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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Blogging on decline: not sure about that

Paul Mason, Newsnight's business and industry correspondent recently told
"Personally, I think blogging is so over now."

Mason believes times are moving on and that official blogs "have taken the fun out of it."

Of course the fad for blogging seemed to be at a peak last year and the number of people thinking they have something to say and then deciding they have not or more likely they cannot be bothered has seen interest wane - anecdotal evidence as my source. (Of course this must mean I have something to say, can be bothered or have nothing else to do).

I think there might have been a correction in the blogosphere. The media interest got other things to talk about. But blogging is not as tired as the cliche that the £death of blogging has been greatly exaggerated" to paraphrase the Mark Twain witticism.

I have come across 3 new blogs in the last week that their owners are very enthusiastic to build up:

Rob Nugent - Rob helps run Anthony K vehicle Leasing. I have known Rob for a while and he never mentioned blogging until I got an e-mail asking me to take a look at his new blog. I think he sees potential.

Simpson Burgess Nash - famous accountants. SBN is completely new to blogging and they have taken to it with aplomb. Mark Simpson, who does a lot to support the arts in Manchester, is proving he can write almost as well as account.

Manchester Parking - a new to be unveiled blog I have heard whispers about talking about all things Manchester. Been done yes you might say that but how well?

With the first 2, which are business blogs, they stand out in their profession simply because their competitors generally do not blog. If they do it well they push through their advantage.

How can a communications channel become worn and jaded if it still offers that potential?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like "he can write almost as well as account", which I will add to my list of compliments of dubious validity. It doesn't quite rank with my favourite, from the current Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, who told me I was "much funnier than David Dimbleby." By the way, you can definitely write, Rob!

8:00 AM


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